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Life is much like standing in a hallway with ten doors. You only get to open one, which influences the rest of your life and future decisions. It's easy to make the wrong choices when you don't know what is behind the doors. God knows what lies behind every door - the consequences and reprecussions of every decision we make. When we rely on Him, we don't have to know what is behind every door - we just listen and trust Him to guide us through.

By coming together with other people to pray for your life, your struggles, and your opportunities, we are united in asking God for that direction. Sometimes, it's harder to pray than to ask another person to pray for you. That's what we are here for.
To submit your prayer request, simply click on ADD TO THE PRAYER REQUESTS. Your prayer request will be reviewed and sent to our network of prayer partners who have committed to praying for you.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
May 1, 2015
Dear Lord, A lot of thing to worries and make me always feel sad this is because of our financial problem. Hope Lot can help us. In the Jesus name I pray. Amen
Anonymous Anonymous Post
May 1, 2015
I have interviewed for jobs and submitted applications and resumes still no job. Please pray for my son and me. Thank you.
David B. Post
May 1, 2015
I need prayer for my dad cause he got upset over something and was getting upset with my mom and got in a argument with her. It's also his birthday today and after he got upset he didn't want presents or a cake or anything. So please pray for him that he could see and not get upset again and wouldn't worry about things and trust in god.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
May 1, 2015
I'm not much of a religious man but my mother is a true believer. For many many years I have been addicted to pornography. I've kept it secret of course and after those many many years circumstances have arisen where I have been fired from my job. I've wanted to stop for the longest time but no matter what I've tried and no matter what I've prayed nothing has helped. I want someone to pray for me to help me escape my personal hell. I've recently deleted my entire stash and I'm making a vow to never look at it again. Please pray for me to receive strength. I also want prayer for God to show me what I am to do for Him and turn me into the man he wants me to be. I'm afraid I'll just relapse like I always had. I don't know if anyone even reads this. I just need stronger Christian soldiers than myself.

Hoping for a change.
Thank you
cutshaw m. Post
May 1, 2015
My children are being attacked my son who is 24 is facing 10 to 15 years or more in prison all because of drugs!!!My 18 year old on probation following in his brothers footsteps,My daughter who is 21years old with a baby and seeing the farther who is a drug dealer!!!Don't understand this what's going on here!!!Please pray for my family!!!Pray for myself and my husband for strength and guidance, wisdom,I am breaking down here!!!!Please pray for us!God I need to know what to do!!!I am praying I'm supposed to let go how can I? My husband he's there but he's able to keep moving and I'm struggling!!!God I need you completely !!!!Pray!!!
tina g. Post
May 1, 2015
Please pray for us. Its something somewhat simple. Im 33 and my name is tina i have my 2 kids (realitiv es who have chosen to live with me) i am having hard time getting foos. I wprl but all my money go to rent and gas to get to work. I live with my mom but she can not work. Im just lost right now. I feel like im going no where. I feed the kids and me and my mom go without. I need help god please
Anonymous Anonymous Post
May 1, 2015
My husband has abandoned my children and I for another woman.I have no income and have no where to go. Please pray for him to see how important we are to him and bring him back. Please God give us grace through this difficult time.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
May 1, 2015
Please pray for a life partner, and for my relationship with Jesus. Mark 10 Luk 10 John 10:10. in Jesu name. amen
Dustin K. Post
May 1, 2015

Hi people;

hows it going? I am a young adult, who is 29 years of age. I have lived in erie, co off an on for a couple of years and have a passion to help people in and out of the community. i would some day like to be fearless enough and have a good walk with god to pherhaps do something nice for the community and for others. the only problems are i have some occasional issues mentally and physically, that hinder me. I often struggle with fears and i have made some mistakes out of fear that have impacted some of the relationships in my life.
i was wondering if you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers and that hopefully i can walk again in freedom from some of the fears and setbacks that i have had.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 30, 2015
Dear Lord, please help me,ive been under attack for long time now, my husband has mental difficulties
And tells only lies and may have had affairs with men, we have years of pain and struggle, I got very sick and he had great power over me, he isolated me and spoke lies to all my friends, I cannot bring anyone to our house, he has ways of destroying every friendship I have, his father, now dead,did this also, I need to free myself from this,it's a living hell,no peace or harmony, he lies and pretends and if I tell him anything he sets out to destroy it and me in the process,I ve prayed and prayed, with very little success,its like some evil spirit is working through him and gives him great power, I am financially dependant and stayed home to rear my kids, they have left now, he tries to turn them against me as well,he is utterly unreasonable and turns everything around, he is expert with this and seems to enjoy just torturing me, my younger son is travelling in india now and has typhoid in hospital,I want to look after him when he comes home, help me Lord please help me, whatever evil power he has please take it away and help me take back what he has stolen from me over the years
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NOTE: We recently purged our past prayer requests to implement this prayer board. Rest assured, we have plenty of people submitted prayer requests every day, and intercessors standing by to pray.
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