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Share your prayer needs with our network of intercessors.

Life is much like standing in a hallway with ten doors. You only get to open one, which influences the rest of your life and future decisions. It's easy to make the wrong choices when you don't know what is behind the doors. God knows what lies behind every door - the consequences and reprecussions of every decision we make. When we rely on Him, we don't have to know what is behind every door - we just listen and trust Him to guide us through.

By coming together with other people to pray for your life, your struggles, and your opportunities, we are united in asking God for that direction. Sometimes, it's harder to pray than to ask another person to pray for you. That's what we are here for.
To submit your prayer request, simply click on ADD TO THE PRAYER REQUESTS. Your prayer request will be reviewed and sent to our network of prayer partners who have committed to praying for you.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 28, 2015
Please pray for a life partner for me, and praise Jesus for all His kindnesses, my friends and my work. Mark 10. in Jesu name. amen
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 28, 2015
i need prayer to find a job in my field soon. In Jesus name I ask, AMEN
Justin B. Post
April 28, 2015
My family needs Jesus. Dad delivered, mom close to him, and brother doesn't know him. Also for God to spare me.
Josh M. Post
April 27, 2015
My Sister Sarah is in the hospital with meningitis and other brain conditions and is not responding to any medicines. I know God can heal her, please pray for a divine healing.
Soraya S. Post
April 27, 2015
Hello, Please pray for me. I lost my job have no income, losing everything and am very depressed. I have health issues and can't see my way. I feel doomed and have become so reclusive I don't indulge my family, don't feel like I belong. I constantly cry..and I'm losing my fiance..Please pray for me that I may find peace and have confidence again.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
My husband left me and our 7 children..3 are already 18 and up..I have 4 boys ages 13,10,6,and 2..The last two are Autistic...My husband took everything..We are currently in need of beds a couch and a kitchen table..I pray everyday it gets better..
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
Please pray for my Granddaughter, Miranda, who is trying to handle depression, and trying to find her way in life .She has had a very difficult childhood , and needs some self confidence.Also a job
i her field of knowledge.
Thank you for all your prayers.

Amanda K. Post
April 27, 2015
This is for my sister Becky's boyfriend, Brian. He was getting some stitches on his back removed when the ER doctors referred him to a dermatologist where they diagnosed him with melanoma. Brian is only 24 years old. He is leaving Wednesday to have a procedure done at M.D. Anderson in Houston and to determine if any chemo needs to be done. Please pray very hard for Brian and his family. Brian's father passed away from melanoma in October and then Becky died in February. He is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful people I have ever met and I have grown to love him as I would a brother. It is absolutely heartbreaking. He doesn't know how far the melanoma has grown and won't until after his surgery. Please pray big prayers for him. He is a man of faith but I suspect after the few months he has had, his faith is being tested. He is asking for all the prayer and support he can get, so please pass this on to any prayer warriors you know.

In love,
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
Please pray for my relationship with my boyfriend cause he has not been talking to me since January ,I need things to go back to the way it was before we started fighting, I need him to be a loving partner the way he used to be
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
Please pray for my relationship with my boyfriend cause he has not been talking to me since January ,I need things to go back to the way it was before we started fighting, I need him to be a loving partner the way he used to be
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NOTE: We recently purged our past prayer requests to implement this prayer board. Rest assured, we have plenty of people submitted prayer requests every day, and intercessors standing by to pray.
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