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Share your prayer needs with our network of intercessors.

Life is much like standing in a hallway with ten doors. You only get to open one, which influences the rest of your life and future decisions. It's easy to make the wrong choices when you don't know what is behind the doors. God knows what lies behind every door - the consequences and reprecussions of every decision we make. When we rely on Him, we don't have to know what is behind every door - we just listen and trust Him to guide us through.

By coming together with other people to pray for your life, your struggles, and your opportunities, we are united in asking God for that direction. Sometimes, it's harder to pray than to ask another person to pray for you. That's what we are here for.
To submit your prayer request, simply click on ADD TO THE PRAYER REQUESTS. Your prayer request will be reviewed and sent to our network of prayer partners who have committed to praying for you.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
Dear Prayer Warriors,

I am writing to you to request prayer for my Mom, we have got her tests done today after about 2 years of her hep C treatment. Please pray that her test results are good in Jesus name, amen ... I am so worried .... Please keep in special prayers, we will get the results on Monday .... I really want the doctor to be shocked by her absolutely normal reports ...

Stay Blessed,
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
Good day
Please pray that my husband turns back to God. My family is falling apart.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
Hello. I'm asking for prayer concerning my accomodation. Please can you join me in prayer to ask God to lead me to the place He will have me live, or to find the most suitable accomodation for me as a university student that will also be affordable. Thank you
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
I ask that u pray for me my wife and family as we struggle thru hard times due to my situation. We are not able to be together and financially we struggle. Our marriage is in hard times and we just need an opportunity to get on our feet without any struggle. And hopefully ill be able to finally come home to my family with a good job waiting for me to support my wife (Selena) and me (Rickey). We deserve a chance after so much and please forgive us for our sin. Guide our hearts and mind and give us comfort in the hardest of times so we dont give up. Thank u
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 27, 2015
I ask that u pray for me my wife and family as we struggle thru hard times due to my situation. We are not able to be together and financially we struggle. Our marriage is in hard times and we just need an opportunity to get on our feet without any struggle. And hopefully ill be able to finally come home to my family with a good job waiting for me to support my wife (Selena) and me (Rickey). We deserve a chance after so much and please forgive us for our sin. Guide our hearts and mind and give us comfort in the hardest of times so we dont give up. Thank u
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 26, 2015
Please pray for my grandaughter's boyfriend. He has been an active athlete all his life. He is only 27 yrs old. He is having back surgery in the morning. He has herniated, bulging disc's and this is a serious surgery. Dear God please be with the surgeon's, the nurses the one that puts him to sleep and monitors everything in that order. Please pray with us that there will be no complications and a very successful healing. He has been suffering for awhile now as this bulge is pressing on his saiatic nerve with pain going down his leg. Praying that that nerve will be relieved and the pain will be gone after the surgery is complete. Please God be with his parents and my granddaughter as they sit and wait for the surgery to be complete. We pray for all these requests in Jesus name and Thank you Jesus and also thank you for the prayers being said to our Lord and Savior.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 26, 2015
my mother will be healed from
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 26, 2015
my mother will be healed from
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 26, 2015
Juan V. I need my own jobs, my own contracts and wisdom for everything.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 26, 2015
Dear Lord, Help my husband to face all his difficulty hsi face. Remove satan from our life. Only God can help us. In the Jesus name I pray Amen.
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NOTE: We recently purged our past prayer requests to implement this prayer board. Rest assured, we have plenty of people submitted prayer requests every day, and intercessors standing by to pray.
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