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Life is much like standing in a hallway with ten doors. You only get to open one, which influences the rest of your life and future decisions. It's easy to make the wrong choices when you don't know what is behind the doors. God knows what lies behind every door - the consequences and reprecussions of every decision we make. When we rely on Him, we don't have to know what is behind every door - we just listen and trust Him to guide us through.

By coming together with other people to pray for your life, your struggles, and your opportunities, we are united in asking God for that direction. Sometimes, it's harder to pray than to ask another person to pray for you. That's what we are here for.
To submit your prayer request, simply click on ADD TO THE PRAYER REQUESTS. Your prayer request will be reviewed and sent to our network of prayer partners who have committed to praying for you.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 25, 2015
I need prayer. I'm tired of being a slave to my inner lusts and other sexual informalities. Please pray for these evil desires to leave me. I have been struggling with these burdens for 8 years now. I'm not strong enough alone, but with God, and your prayers I will be. Thank you Lord God, and all of you prayer warriors. Good bless you all!
julian r. Post
April 24, 2015
I am still losing my battle to drugs and alcohol. I am lonely beat down. I wish this battle would end, all I can hope for is to die, and I do hope for that daily. I have too many problems to list. My anguish is deep. I need an emotional release but cannot cry. I can't live long under these circumstances. I have been in a living hell for nearly four years. I have entirely lost my will to live. I feel only silence from god. My children deserve so much more. Something has to happen soon. Please make petitions on my behalf as mine dont seem to help anything.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 24, 2015
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 24, 2015
Please praise God that He has helped me through a hard situation, and also please pray for a life partner real soon who doesn't care that I am disabled. Pray I may live my life to belong to and glorify God and for restoration. Psalm 91 Heb 12:22-25 Luk 1:37 Mark 10 John 10:10. in Jesu name and by His blood. amen
Sidhartha R. Post
April 24, 2015
On 4th April 2015 I appearwd for JEE MAINS 2015 EXAMINATION.If I secure a rank within top 150000 candidates then I will be eligible for JEE ADVANCED 2015 EXAMINATION.Please GOD forgive me for all my sinful deeds and bless me so that I achieve sucess in JEE MAINS 2015 and qualify in it.Give me a chance to rectify my mistakes.Please GOD if you wont give me a chance then whom should I beg from.I promise I wont let The chance go in vain,and I will definitely achieve sucess in JEE ADVANCED 2015.Please hae mercy on your child.Please GOD,please.It is a matter of my parents dream,please give me a chance to fulfil it.The result of JEE MAINS 2015 is to be declared on 27th April 2015.Thank You.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 24, 2015
I'm tired of hoping and believing for things to change in my life. I'm exhausted from praying. nothing happens. God is silent. I can't pray for myself anymore. I'm asking for others to pray because I just don't have enough faith anymore. Thank you.
April 24, 2015

I would like to have support for the following prayer. Mom (Henriette Billard) who was 97 was hospitalized against her will for distort food roads The pneumology department did not accept her. The rhumatology department refused to keep her but transferred mom to the geriatric department.

Then a pneumonia of inhalation was discovered. Failing to treat it or to feed mom by oral route the hospital where mom was decided not to nourish her by any mean whatsoever and the hospital refused to let mom go back home until it was sure she would die.

Mom was authorized to come back home within a hospital at home (half a bulb of scopolamine was injected to her â?" I was said it was for her breathing comfortâ?¦) . She died 3 days later

Considering that every person has the right to be treated normally whatsoever their age and that there was an injustice of which mom was the victim which should repaired (Luke 18), I ask God in the name of Jesus Christ (John 14:13) to raise up mom from the deads for some extra high quality years of life because for God nothing is impossible (John 6:19, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 1:37 (if mom would have died normally I would not ask prayers so that she may be raised up from the deads now).

Many thanks for those who accept to support me for this.prayer.

May God bless them.

Philippe Billard

More details in my blog-personal prayer request http://1resurrection.com
When God performs this miracle I will write it on this blog.
(you may also find there several tools for churches)
Sidhartha R. Post
April 24, 2015
On 4th April 2015 I appearwd for JEE MAINS 2015 EXAMINATION.If I secure a rank within top 150000 candidates then I will be eligible for JEE ADVANCED 2015 EXAMINATION.Please GOD forgive me for all my sinful deeds and bless me so that I achieve sucess in JEE MAINS 2015 and qualify in it.Give me a chance to rectify my mistakes.Please GOD if you wont give me a chance then whom should I beg from.I promise I wont let The chance go in vain,and I will definitely achieve sucess in JEE ADVANCED 2015.Please hae mercy on your child.Please GOD,please.It is a matter of my parents dream,please give me a chance to fulfil it.The result of JEE MAINS 2015 is to be declared on 27th April 2015.Thank You.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 23, 2015
Dear Lord, Guide and help my husband to solve all the problem his have. Help my husband business to grow and everyday have good business. Hope we have profit from our business. Now we are business at the temporary stalll allocate by local autorities. Going to get permernant palce soon. Lord hope to get stategic place ( at main entere) Only Lord can help us. In the Jesus name I Pray Amen.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 23, 2015
On 4th April 2015 I appearwd for JEE MAINS 2015 EXAMINATION.If I secure a rank within top 150000 candidates then I will be eligible for JEE ADVANCED 2015 EXAMINATION.Please GOD forgive me for all my sinful deeds and bless me so that I achieve sucess in JEE MAINS 2015 and qualify in it.Give me a chance to rectify my mistakes.Please GOD if you wont give me a chance then whom should I beg from.I promise I wont let The chance go in vain,and I will definitely achieve sucess in JEE ADVANCED 2015.Please hae mercy on your child.Please GOD,please.It is a matter of my parents dream,please give me a chance to fulfil it.The result of JEE MAINS 2015 is to be declared on 27th April 2015.Thank You.

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NOTE: We recently purged our past prayer requests to implement this prayer board. Rest assured, we have plenty of people submitted prayer requests every day, and intercessors standing by to pray.
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