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Life is much like standing in a hallway with ten doors. You only get to open one, which influences the rest of your life and future decisions. It's easy to make the wrong choices when you don't know what is behind the doors. God knows what lies behind every door - the consequences and reprecussions of every decision we make. When we rely on Him, we don't have to know what is behind every door - we just listen and trust Him to guide us through.

By coming together with other people to pray for your life, your struggles, and your opportunities, we are united in asking God for that direction. Sometimes, it's harder to pray than to ask another person to pray for you. That's what we are here for.
To submit your prayer request, simply click on ADD TO THE PRAYER REQUESTS. Your prayer request will be reviewed and sent to our network of prayer partners who have committed to praying for you.

Barbara O. Post
April 6, 2015
please pray for my two adult daughter who have been troubled with arthritis at the age of 50 One is a school teacher and the other a nurse. They both have swollen knees and hands please pray this will go away and they can continue working as they need the money quite bad. Thank you so much
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 6, 2015
please pray that I can get my tickets to a gospel concert for April 17th. I ordered 3 tickets through ticket master. They were supposed to send them e-mail. 283.50 was taken out of my credit card and I never got the tickets. I have called 3 times and they don't know who has them or where they went. Please pray they show up real soon. I hardly ever order anything through ticket master and now I know I never will again. I was planning on taking 2 of my adult children to it as it is so good. Gaither concert is the name of it. Please God help me to find them. Thank you for praying for this along with myself. God bless you.
Jane I. Post
April 6, 2015
Praying that God acts swiftly and that my son Russells court appointed mediator takes his side and protects him from his father in our custody dispute. Praying that God will enlighten her to see past the manipulation and lies of his dad who is attempting to take custody from me. Praying she will recommend he stay at home with us where he is happy, cared for, loved and being raised to love the lord.
Jamie M. Post
April 6, 2015
I need prayer to relieve my constipation. I'm miserable right. Please pray for me.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 6, 2015
Dear Heavenly father I know that you are not happy with me I know that you are not happy with the choices I have made in my life and are showing it to me now I know that you and I havent been very close Ive tried but it just seems like when I begin to get close to you something bad seems to happen Please Lord help me guide me tell me what you want of me Im trying to obtain a house and we are at the final stages and again you have thrown a road block into my plans and it almost seems like this isnt going to happen please tell me Lord what you want me to do to make things better with us Please lord god and all the saints up in heaven watch down over me and help me in this situation. Heavenly father Im sooo tired of being in this nervous state I sometimes feel I dont want to live this way feeling down all the time Please Lord lift me up make things go well for me for once Please heavenly father please help me and get this mortgage to go through....In Jesus name I pray this AMEN!
susan d. Post
April 6, 2015
I am weak I am spent. I keep questioning why God has forsaken me. My work is in shambles I recently bought a car which instantly broke down. Now I'm in debt. And no one can repair the car. My 5 year old son has asthma. My relationship is terrible. I am kindly asking for you to pray for me for my mind to be calm in the midst of all this. To restore my faith in God. Please your prayers are appreciated. God bless you all.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 6, 2015
Please pray for a life partner and for grace on my life. in Jesu name. Luk 1:25 Heb 12:22-25 Luk 1:37. in Jesu name. amen
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 6, 2015
Please pray for a life partner and for grace on my life. in Jesu name. Luk 1:25 Heb 12:22-25 Luk 1:37. in Jesu name. amen
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 6, 2015
Please pray for me. I have put in mine years of service at the same company. I have endured all the unfairness, inequity and lack of acknowledgement. I had hoped that with recent events things would change. I fear now the change will not come and I may be terminated. I've accepted that I wont get recognition or a raise, but the fear of being unemployed at 50 has me worried all the time. Please pray for me, that I don't loose my job. I worry so much for I not only support my home. I support my parents and help my sister. Please pray that God is protecting me and that I won't be unemployed. Please I need my faith to see me through this. I'm tired of always worrying if I will have a job or not. Please God make the necessary senior management change. In Jesus name I pray I keep my job, I pray that good changes are coming within near weeks . All your prayers are needed and appreciated. Amen
Anonymous D. Post
April 5, 2015
Please pray for me that I get work this week as I am stressed. I have not worked for 7 months and feel like giving up on a job. I send out resumes, had interviews and can't get work. It seems so hopeless, I am 59 and like to work and need to, as I have no money. I really pray to God He helps me. I am so worried about my life, as I am alone and do not even bother with a social life as I need a job. I never thought this would happen to me, I do not understand why, I can't get work other than I am older. Please please pray for me that I get work this week, I dont' know what to do, and I have no support with this, and seems older people like myself have a harder time finding work. I am educated, this does not help.
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NOTE: We recently purged our past prayer requests to implement this prayer board. Rest assured, we have plenty of people submitted prayer requests every day, and intercessors standing by to pray.
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