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Life is much like standing in a hallway with ten doors. You only get to open one, which influences the rest of your life and future decisions. It's easy to make the wrong choices when you don't know what is behind the doors. God knows what lies behind every door - the consequences and reprecussions of every decision we make. When we rely on Him, we don't have to know what is behind every door - we just listen and trust Him to guide us through.

By coming together with other people to pray for your life, your struggles, and your opportunities, we are united in asking God for that direction. Sometimes, it's harder to pray than to ask another person to pray for you. That's what we are here for.
To submit your prayer request, simply click on ADD TO THE PRAYER REQUESTS. Your prayer request will be reviewed and sent to our network of prayer partners who have committed to praying for you.

Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
My husband doesn't have a relationship with God. He's full of anger and hatred. When I talk of God, he retaliates. I love my husband and would love some help praying for him. My children and I go to Church alone. I pray that one day, we all go together as a family. I pray that his heart softens and he develops kindness and compassion for people in general. I have seen the power of prayer. I hope you all will help me pray for his salvation.
k i. Post
April 5, 2015
Please pray for my situation Im homeless with my baby we are living in a hotel and my money is running low im a college student and I was offered a job I am looking for a reliable trustworthy babysitter to help me this week, please pray that the hotel staff can be lenient with us because we lived in a shelter which traumatized my son and they did not help us. Please pray that a financial breakthrough can occur because i have no family to help me im relying on my money to keep a roof over my sons head and food in his tummy. Im so scared and worried.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
I need prayer for school i made a mistake and need prayer for mercy and forgiveness.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
Please pray for my daughter as she has became sick and in need of healing her body and mind so that she can be healthy again. She has been up and down with her health lately and it has affected her at work and home. Thank you In Jesus name amen.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
Please pray that this week is the one in which I finally get my decision from the labour board and please pray that it is favourable to me, i.e. that I am reinstated. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Ryan B. Post
April 5, 2015
Hi! I would like to submit a prayer request for my wife and our marriage. She came back from a trip 6 months ago and said our marriage was a mistake and now she wants a divorce although there are no grounds for it - saying she was never happy with me, lived her life for everyone else, etc. She has contacted a lawyer and has the support of friends and family to proceed, but I believe God is convicting her as she has not proceeded with papers yet. The pain we are both feeling is overwhelming and there does not seem to be any hope in sight. Her heart is very hard towards me and God, and does not see the changes in me or the hope that God can do great things. I ask that God would end this horrible situation, for His glory! He is the great healer and redeemer, and I pray for a miracle to occur soon. Thank you!
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
Heavenly Father,
I feel like sometimes You get sick of me praying, or that You just don't want to answer them. I wonder about so many things. I know I am where I am because of choices I've made, and I take responsibility for the mess I've made of my life and to selfishly bring children into it. I just desire to be loved: that's what I've desired for so long. I remember even when I was young to pray that You would bless me with someone who would truly love me. That is still my pray. I long to be in a committed relationship. I love Brian. I really want to be in a relatioship with him. I like being around him, and he makes me smile. I think he would be a good provider, help us spiritually, and I believe he would protect us. But, he is not pursuing me. It hurts my pride that, yet again, I could give my heart to someone who doesn't care. But maybe he does. Lord Jesus, I pray You will touch his heart in a way that is miraculous this Easter season. That he will let go of what or who is keeping him from being in a committed relationship. I don't just want to be his friend. I want to be his partner- I am tired of being alone. Please, Lord Jesus. Please bless myself and the chilren with him being in our lives. Amen.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
i need a prayer to fix any financial problems send a job on my path please i want to buy a house for my children please pray for me
Anonymous Anonymous Post
April 5, 2015
Right now I am in my early twenties, right now I don't a job. I really want to have a job to help my family. Pray for me that clumsiness goes away. I want to be strong, have good health, endurance, stamina and strength. I want to be a better men. I don't want to be lazy. I want to be a man that works hard and provides for God and my family.
amelia p. Post
April 4, 2015
please pray for healing of my husband george persaud.he is in lot of pain on his joints ankle, elbo knees that cannot walk.
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NOTE: We recently purged our past prayer requests to implement this prayer board. Rest assured, we have plenty of people submitted prayer requests every day, and intercessors standing by to pray.
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